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  • Specifications
1- Powerful GX CPU Built-in 128MB DDR3 SDRAM high-speed memory. 2- Flash 8 MB / Flash 8MB 3- The unique ability to use two different and beautiful menus, with continuous updates for different tastes 4- H264 codec support 5- Ability to support old and new USB Wi-Fi along with a free USB Wi-Fi with antenna 6- Support 3D channels as well as DVD-S, DVB-S2, H264 frequencies. 7- hardware capability to remove noise and image skipping 8- Powerful tuner with the possibility of amplifying weak signals 9- It has 12 months of powerful internet sharing of Funcam’s global server 10- Have 3-month ForeverTV account for free 11- Support for X-tream and Stalker systems 12- Storage capacity of 8,000 television and radio channels 13- Support for various resolutions 576i 50Hz, 576P 50Hz, 720P 50Hz, 1080P 24Hz, 1080P 25Hz, 1080i 50Hz, 1080P 50Hz 14- It has a large-size remote control and also supports all Media Star remote controls 15- It has a USB port with excellent support for all types of external hard drives and peripherals 16- It has a beautiful and modern panel with high-quality material 17- Ability to support all types of cband/kuband LNBs 18- DiSEqC1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3 users support 19- Excellent support for all types of sharing protocols such as CCCAM, NewCAM, etc 20- Support for new Tandberg and Powerview coding systems and the possibility of manual and easy input of BISS, DCW, Tandberg, and Powerview codes, etc. 21- Advanced search capability or Blind Search 22- Network Search capability 23- VFD writing panel 24- With a calendar 25- Has HDMI output 26- With AV output 27- Ability to edit PID 28- Blind search capability 29- The ability to search multiple transponders or frequencies together and the ability to search multiple satellites at the same time 30- Ability to use VPN 31- Full Persian language support 32- The ability to display Persian subtitles with the possibility of editing options according to the user’s taste 33- Ability to translate movies and satellite programs online in different languages, including Farsi 34- It has 8 categories of favorite channels and the possibility of increasing categories 35- The ability to edit and move channels in an urgent and desired list 36- Update capability through RS-232 port 37- Upgrade capability via USB 38- Ability to solve software problems through USB during boot without using cable and loader 39- The ability to upgrade through the Media Star internet server through the receiver itself 40- The ability to edit the degree of satellites in different modes for easier installation of the satellite dishes 41- Farsi Teletext support 42- Network and Internet connection through wireless and 3G 43- IPTV, G-VOD, G-IPTV, G-TV, G-mytube, YouTube, and support m3u and m3u8 files 44- European standard 45- 3G modem support, SIM card modem 46- Picture and picture-in-picture multi-pictures and recording in different formats 47- Ability to download soft cam and software from dedicated FTP server 48- Ability to set manual and automatic clock and recording timer and adjustable sleep timer 49- The ability to set a password on the receiver with different accesses 50- Standby mode during a power outage and manual and automatic adjustment 51- Ability to pause during recording and also in the normal mode of watching PAUSE channels 52- Spectrometer ability to check the signal level of several frequencies together 53- Sat2IPTV support 54- SSSP capability and Twin Protocol capability and Bluetooth and support of various sharing protocols 55- Ability to control Android and iOS mobile phones and tablets 56- With X-TIMESHIFT 57- The possibility of using the Actiocode protocol 58- Media Star exclusive IP-TV feature with a collection of movies, radio, clips, and music for free 59- Excellent and unique software support 60- and many other small and large facilities, which make using this receiver enjoyable for every user.
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